Tuesday, December 29, 2009

December Board Meeting

The December Board Meeting was held at Fletcher Cove on the 11th with plenty of swell! Attendance was light with Josh Brock (City of SD), Mike Trotta (LSA) Todd Easley (SDGE) and myself (Patrick Zabrocki - http://www.pmcworld.com/).

Actually it was great to only have 4 people since we decided to surf Tabletops because Fletcher Cove was walled out and too high tide. The reef was really fun with lined up and speedy right and lefts.

If you have ever surfed TT's you know there are sections that can have some juice and that day was no exception. After pulling into a close-out, my leash broke! After a long swim I padddled back out and caught a few more all the while watching our group take wave after wave. Overall a solid session. We actually surfed so late that we decided not to go to breakfast (a first for the Board Meetings).

Check out the pics and I hope you can make the next Board Meeting.

Closed out Fletcher Cove

The left...

The right...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Next meeting

Hi everyone. I set up the next meeting to be next Monday June 22nd at Tabletops in Cardiff for an evening session at 5pm. We are planning on meeting in the parking lot at Seaside Reef to see how things are and determine which spot to surf. Here is the predicted swell forcast:

South facing breaks in waist to chest high surf. NW wind swell should persist for waist to chest high waves around west facing breaks. Tide will be low around 2:30 PM at about 2.2 feet, and then high around 8:45 PM at about 6.9 feet.

Call or email me for details: 858-204-3701 or pzabrocki@pmcworld.com

If anybody has any suggestions on how to improve the meetings please let me know! I want to meet you all and have a fun session! Also, please invite as many people in our industry to paddle out!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

June 11th Board Meeting Notes from Windansea

Today's meeting was a lot of fun with one of the best turnouts yet! With a total of 7 people we added a few heads to the lineup but there enough waves for everyone. Mike and Chip from LSA, Robert Smith from ACOE, Megan Hamilton from the SD County Parks, Brian and Lars from SIO, and myself (Patrick Zabrocki from PMC) were all out in the water with a solid south swell running. It was head high on sets but the wait for the sets took a while and although there was a little bit of a crowd I think there were enough waves for everyone to grab a few.

There was even a photographer taking pictures http://www.surfinside.com/SurfShop/SurfGallery.aspx?date=06/11/2009

Then we went to Harry's for breakfast where Megan had the best looking pancakes with fruit I have ever seen! (Or I was really hungry). But discussions were great as always with stories of flat-tailed lizards and MMRP work... but next itme we want you to show up so please leave a comment, email me, or even call to let me know how we can get more people to show up for surf and discussions.


Monday, June 1, 2009

Newest board meeting scheduled for June 11th at Wind an Sea

The next board meeting has been scheduled to be Thursday, June 11th at 6:30 am. Although wind an sea is the meeting place, where we paddle out will be entirely up to the group who finally shows up. With a chest high south, wind an sea will for sure have waves and you never know about the crowd until you show up.

I love Harry's for breakfast but if anyone knows of a different good place for breakfast please post a comment! Finishing off the session with a good breakfast is always the best part of the meeting! :-)

So I have re-vamped the rest of summers schedule for the Board meeting to be as follows...

June 22 – Imperial Beach
July 9 – Camp Pendleton
July 20 – Table tops
August 13 - PB Drive
August 24 - Del Mar River Mouth
September 10 - TBA
September 21 - TBA

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Meeting Rescheduled for Wednesday

I have made an executive decision to reschedule the April 20th meeting to be the morning on Wednesday the 22nd. It is also going to change locations from PB Drive to to 20th Street in Del Mar. This decision was made due to the lack of swell for monday and the predicted swell coming in wednesday/thursday. There is a south that could be producing a few forerunners on wednesday in the waist to chest high range. These sets are gonig to be coming from 190 at 20-seconds.

I hope you make the call yourself and meet up at 6:30 to get a few fun waves and meet up with your fellow surfer colleauges! :-)

April 9th Board Meeting Notes

Seems like yesterday, but a week and a half has already passed since the last board meeting and I have yet to post the pics and meeting "notes". So here it is...
Robert Smith (ACOE), Kevin Grant (PMC), Mike Trotta (LSA), and myself showed up at north camprounds in carlsbad after a few days of heavy wind to find lingering messy peaks... but at least it was offshore! It looked surfable but deceivingly so...
On his way down from Oceanside, Mike Trotta checked out close to the harbor and suggested we make a quick run up the coast for more lined up waves. Usually, I find that the more I drive, the worse the waves get, but in this case we actually found that Mike was telling the truth and paddled out in waist to chest high waves that were overall really fun.

We found a peak that was mostly to ourselves (but Mike still managed to snake a girl that wouldn't leave him alone :-) Robert was catching a few good ones and seemed the most stoked to be in the ocean!
After our session we made a stop at Longboarders Cafe for an always satisfying breakfast and conversation about how the economy is changing the dynamics of our insdustry. Good waves, good food and better company... the best meeting I have been to in a LONG time.

Friday, March 27, 2009

New Schedule

Due to some feedback I have been getting the Professionals "Board" meeting has been changed to have meetings on Thursdays instead of Fridays.

So the new schedule looks like this:

April 9 – Carlsbad Campgrounds
April 20 – PB Drive
May 14 – Oceanside – Surfrider Way
May 25 – Bird Rock
June 11 - Tamarack
June 22 – Imperial Beach
July 9 – Camp Pendleton
July 20 – Wind’anSea

And at any time that anyone wants to suggest an "emergency" meeting for when there is a great swell, just repond to everyone via the Evite or just email me and I will send out an email alert.

Thanks and feel free to get a hold of me if you have nay questions or suggestions. Hope to you can paddle out at the next meeting! :-)

Patrick Zabrocki